Local Liaisons

This section is designed to provide new local homeless education liaisons in North Carolina with a starting point for growing their professional knowledge and skills. 



The Local Liaison’s Role

Local liaisons play a critical role in the implementation of the McKinney-Vento Act. Local liaison responsibilities include:

  • Identifying homeless children and youth
  • Ensuring that homeless students can enroll immediately and participate fully in school
  • Informing parents, guardians, or youth of educational rights
  • Supporting unaccompanied youth in school selection and dispute resolution
  • Linking homeless students with educational and other services, including preschool and health services
  • Ensuring the public posting of educational rights through the school district and community. NCHEP Education Rights posters are available at: *add products page*
  • Ensuring that disputes are resolved promptly
  • Collaborating with other district programs and community agencies

The Role and Responsibilities of the Local Liaison presentation handout

Liaison Training

NCHEP staff provide homeless education trainings for North Carolina school districts and community agencies.

Online Training

NCHEP: Tuesday Talks – 9:00 – 10:00 a.m.  Liaisons engage in scenario processing, collaboration with other liaisons, discussion on needs to help support you in your role, or a time to just pop in for a quick hello.  Learn more.

NCHE: Self-Paced Training options allow you to review training materials at your own pace and at a time of your choosing. Many materials used for self-paced training are the same as those used in live interactive group training.
Visit NCHE’s Self-Paced Online Training

NCHE Webinars are hosted regularly so that participants can train from the comfort of their office without the expense and logistical issues that can accompany face-to-face training. NCHE Webinars focus on issues related to the education of children and youth experiencing homelessness. During NCHE Webinars, presenters explain important concepts while giving participants the opportunity to ask questions and interact with each other.
Visit NCHE’s Webinar Registration

Training Handouts and Resources

Access Handouts from recently held NCHEP face-to-face and online training events.

Print Resources

NCHE’s Local Liaison Toolkit is a comprehensive resource that will assist both new and veteran liaisons in carrying out their responsibilities. Updated to reflect the McKinney-Vento Act, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the 2017 edition of the Homeless Liaison Toolkit includes legal requirements, good practices, sample forms, and links to resources.
Download the Toolkit

NCHE Homeless Education Issue Briefs discuss a comprehensive array of issues related to the McKinney-Vento Act and its implementation. NCHE offers issues briefs as part of the following series’: Best Practices in Homeless Education, Connecting Schools and Displaced Students, Helping You Help Your Child: Information for Parents, and McKinney-Vento Law Into Practice.
Visit NCHE’s Homeless Education Issue Briefs

NCHEP Posters

Go to the online order form to place your order for NCHEP posters.

Download PDF version of:


Designating LEA Homeless Liaisons

Considerations Under ESSA
Due to increasing concerns from liaisons about the position of “Foster Care Point of Contact” being added to their already full plates, NAEHCY has developed a new document called Designating LEA McKinney-Vento Liaisons: Considerations Under the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015. This document summarizes the new legal requirements for LEAs on the capacity, training and duties of a school district liaison. It provides important considerations to assist LEAs to ensure that liaisons have sufficient capacity and support to carry out their duties.

Data Collection

Visit the Data Collection page for information on data collection requirements, requested actions, training materials, and technical assistance.

Disaster Information

News reports indicate that a large number of districts may be experiencing extensive flooding and storm damage from Hurricane Dorian. NCHEP would like to share some resource information with you relative to working with the aftermath of a natural disaster.

As the homeless liaison, remember that you are required to document all students experiencing homelessness in PowerSchool and in addition, maintain a list of those students that are specifically displaced because of the natural disaster using the “LEA Disaster Tracking Log”. This list is to be shared with your Superintendents, School Nutrition Administrators, and other Administration, as appropriate. You will also need to maintain the list in your McKinney-Vento records for future requests from my office.

School Nutrition Services encourages the homeless liaisons to reach out directly to their School Nutrition Directors at the local level to discuss the individual or collective needs or homeless students. The website that includes the local contacts is located at: https://childnutrition.ncpublicschools.gov/who-we-are/sfa_directories/school-food-authority-sfa-directories . If you have additional questions or challenges, please call the School Nutrition Services office at (919 807-3506) or the State Coordinator for Homeless Education at 336-315-7491.

Visit NCHE’s comprehensive web page devoted to Disaster Preparation and Response. There you will find NCHE resources; federal resources; sample forms, materials and policies; resources for coping with a disaster, as well as other resources.

Additionally, SchoolHouse Connection has released the brief, “Supporting Children and Youth Displaced by Disasters: Five Key Policies for Schools”.

Liaison Contacts

Download the most current Liaison Contact list.

Update your contact information quickly and easily by completing the Liaison Contact Information form online.

NCHEP Liaison Listserv

NCHEP’s listserv provides homeless education updates to liaisons across North Carolina. Updates may include information about the implementation of the McKinney-Vento Act, funding opportunities, new resources available from NCHEP, or other information pertinent liaisons in their role supporting NC students experiencing homelessness.