McKinney-Vento Data Collection

The Homeless Module in PowerSchool is Now Open for the 2024-2025SY.

Data Collection is required by the U.S. Department of Education.

PLEASE NOTE: The following technical assistance and content comments should clarify any questions resulting from viewing the currently posted Training Video and Data User Guide, which cannot yet be updated in full due to the pandemic:

  • Technical assistance is provided by your Program Specialist.
  • PowerSchool content is still accurate.
  • Attestation of percentage change in identification is not included in the training video. Details are provided in the Tips for Attestation document posted to this page.

The following resources are provided to assist you with data entry:


Any student identifications that are a direct result from unique circumstances such as natural disasters (i.e., hurricanes, floods, fires, tornadoes, etc.), mudslides or other unique occurrences should not only be included in the Homeless Module of PowerSchool but should also be tracked using the NCHEP Disaster Tracking Log.

Technical Assistance

For questions directly related to homeless data collection, please contact your Program Specialist.

Unresolved Data Entry Issues Protocol

If you have unresolved technical issues preventing the entry of student data or if you receive the “Collection is Not Open” message, please contact the NCHEP Program Specialist for your region with the following information:

  • Your name along with phone number and email address
  • Your LEA/charter school name
  • Your LEA/charter school code
  • Description of the technical issue
  • DO NOT send personally identifiable information (PII) in any emails. You may send student numbers, but not the name.

Data Collection & Submission Tips

  • Data fields are available on the Homeless Student page this year, which denote current school name and code. This allows the user to quickly locate students who have attended multiple schools within your LEA during this academic year (Keep in mind that these students are “housed” within the first school of attendance during the current academic year.).
  • Export capability allows you to export all data entered at any given point-in-time. This feature is located on the Homeless Student page to the left of the Homeless School Summary View/Approve button.
  • Capture data for all students who were identified for any period of time this year in your LEA, even if they now are in permanent housing.
  • If you do not see “Homeless” in your left-side navigation page, please consult your PowerSchool Coordinator for user rights to access the homeless module.
  • Data can only be entered when “School” is set to a specific school name. “LEA Office” only allows for:
    • Viewing records once entered,
    • Viewing the Homeless School Summary View page, and
    • Submitting your data after your academic year closes.
  • Ensure that “Term” is always set to the current academic year, or data will not be visible even if entered.
  • Capture information for preschool and out-of-school, school-aged siblings who also qualify as McKinney-Vento.
  • Do not include siblings in data collection who are enrolled in home schools or private schools.
  • Program eligibility date should always be equal to or greater than the initial start date of the current academic year.
  • Program withdrawn date is only needed if:
    • Permanent housing has been obtained prior to the end of the current academic year, or
    • Student withdraws (or is an early graduate) before the end of the current academic year.
  • Utilize the Homeless School Summary page to cross reference data entry to ensure all students have been captured in the collection.
  • Do not submit/approve your data until after your last school day has ended during this current academic year, but no later than June 15th.
  • If your LEA’s last school day occurs after June 15th, notify the NCHEP Program Specialist for your region to determine how your data submission will be handled.

New User Tips

In order to get data entry users access to the appropriate data entry pages, please communicate these tips to your PowerSchool Coordinator.

  • Add user to the group that has access to the pages.
  • Give user “View & Modify” access.
  • Set up the security groups’ “Access Level” as “View & Modify” for whatever “Accessible Student” screens are needed, instead of “View Only”.
  • Set up the groups’ “Page Level Privilege” as “Full”, instead of “Group Default”.

Data Collection FAQs

What is the best browser to use for data entry in PowerSchool?

It is recommended that you use Google Chrome as your browser for data entry. Some Internet browsers do not communicate well with PowerSchool. For example, the use of Internet Explorer can cause an error message that reads “Grid cannot be used in (quirks mode).” 

Data Entry
Where are identified students recorded in PowerSchool to meet the federal data collection requirement?

Student data must be entered using the “Federal” – “Homeless” option in the left-side navigation pane in PowerSchool. Using this module enables access to the appropriate homeless information page for the student selected. Data entered into this module will appear in rosters for individual schools and LEA Offices. The official data submission is also made through this module in PowerSchool at the end of the academic year.

Am I able to enter a program eligibility date prior to the current school year?

Yes. PowerSchool will allow for program eligibility dates in previous school years. (An update to the PowerSchool system was made to accommodate those situations in which a family has been MV eligible over multiple academic years.)

When is a withdrawn date used in a student record?

It is only necessary to enter a program withdrawal date in the following situations:

  • The student is an early graduate (i.e., they graduated at the end of the 1st semester). 
  • The student has withdrawn from your LEA and has not returned.
  • The student obtained permanent housing prior to the end of the current academic year. (Please note that even though a program withdrawn date may be entered, the student continues to be served under McKinney-Vento for the remainder of the current academic year.) 
Will the homeless information entered into PowerSchool follow identified students from one LEA (or charter/lab school) to another LEA (or charter/lab school)? 

No. McKinney-Vento data entered by each LEA/charter school/lab school belongs to that LEA/charter school/lab school. If a student withdraws from one LEA/charter school/lab school and enrolls in another LEA/charter school/lab school, there will not be any homeless data within PowerSchool accompanying that record.

Each LEA/charter school/lab school will report the student for the time period in which the student was enrolled in each LEA/charter school/lab school.

It is recommended that the homeless liaison of the withdrawing LEA/charter school/lab school communicate with the new LEA/charter school/lab school to ensure an easy transition in the enrollment process and continued provision of services.

If an identified McKinney-Vento student has a child of their own living in the same or another qualifying situation, should that child be captured in data collection?

Yes, if an identified McKinney-Vento student has their own child, and that child is living in the same or another qualifying situation, the child should be included in data collection.  The child would need to be enrolled into the appropriate program school (homeless, CECAS or Migrant).  The enrollment would be followed by the completion of the homeless student detail page, which would place the student into the collection.

What does MST1 mean?

MST1 Member – Standard Day Program – this code should be applied to students who are  included in Average Daily Membership funding and are not enrolled in an Extended Day Program. These students are included in Principal’s Monthly Report Data. In grade levels K1-13.

NOTE: PK and P0 – P3 students will be coded as MST1 for reporting needs only, not ADM.

(Definition taken from 2016-2017 Student Attendance and Student Accounting Manual)

Please consult with your PowerSchool Coordinator on the use of this code to ensure consistency within your LEA.

What does VST1 mean?

VST1 Visitor – Standard Day Program – this code should be applied to students that are NOT to be included in Average Daily Membership funding and are not enrolled in an Extended Day Program.

NOTE: Foreign Exchange students would be coded as VST1.

(Definition take from 2016-2017 Student Attendance and Student Accounting Manual)

Please consult with your PowerSchool Coordinator on the use of this code to ensure consistency within your LEA.

What is the purpose of “Special Programs” within PowerSchool?

Special Programs is a module within PowerSchool which LEAs may use at their discretion to aid in the manipulation of data during the academic year.

Entering students into Special Programs is not a requirement for data collection/submission. Student entries into Special Programs will NOT appear within the homeless module.  Separate entry into the homeless module is needed to meet the federal data submission requirement. 

What is the purpose of “Tag as Homeless” located under “Functions” within PowerSchool? 

This “tag” option is used to add many students to the homeless roster at once; however, all the children returned in the search would be added to the homeless roster. There is not an option to select just a few.

For example, if a search is performed for all children with last name beginning with “Q,” you might only have 6 returned in the results box. If you use “Tag” as the homeless option, those 6 children will all be added to the homeless roster. Then, child by child, the user would need to add extra homeless data. If only 4 of those 6 students were the ones the user needed to add, you could “delete” the 2 that are not needed. This might be quicker in some cases, but not all.

Error Message in ECATS System
After I enrolled a McKinney-Vento qualified out-of-school sibling into the Homeless (297) school, the Exceptional Children’s Dept. (EC) has informed me that a “noncompliant” message is now displaying in ECATS.  What can be done to remedy this message and still count the sibling in my annual data collection?

NC Exceptional Children’s Departments (EC) have transitioned to the ECATS system from the CECAS system.  The ECATS system recognizes enrollments of qualifying McKinney-Vento out-of-school siblings, who are former EC students, into the Homeless (297) school as a “noncompliant” issue within EC.  ECATS functions differently from CECAS regarding enrollments into the Homeless (297) school. To rectify this situation, please use the following steps:

    • Enroll the McKinney-Vento qualified out-of-school sibling, who was also formerly EC, into the Homeless (297) school.
    • Complete and save the Student Detail Page within the Homeless module.
    • Confirm that the student shows up in the Homeless (297) school student list within the Homeless module.
    • When confirmed in Homeless (297) school, withdraw the sibling from the Homeless (297) school.  NOTE: Ensure that the withdrawal date is at least 1 day after the enrollment date so that the enrollment is valid.  The student detail record will remain in the Homeless module which will ensure the student is included in the annual data submission.  The withdrawal of the student should resolve the “noncompliant” message once ECATS updates overnight.
    • Confirm with the EC Dept. that the “noncompliant” message has been resolved.
Homeless School
How do I set up the Homeless School? 

Districts must set up the “Homeless School” like all other schools with years and terms, FTE, preferences, and attendance conversions. No bell schedule is needed. Students do not have to be in a homeroom or scheduled in classes.

Steps shared with NCHEP on setting up the Homeless School are available in the Tips for enrolling in Homeless School document (PDF)

Is it ever necessary to “withdraw” a preschool, or out-of-school sibling from the Homeless School?

Yes. When a MV student withdraws, please make sure that if s/he has any preschool siblings or out-of-school siblings enrolled in the Homeless School  that you also withdraw that preschool or out-of-school sibling.

Additionally, at the end of the year be sure to withdraw any students enrolled in the Homeless School.

  • Consult with your PowerSchool staff on the best method to use for withdrawing student(s) and on the best time to complete this activity so that end-of-year processing activities are not adversely affected. 
  • Withdrawing a student from the Homeless School will not prevent that student’s information from being included in the annual data collection, IF you have entered their McKinney-Vento data PRIOR to the withdrawal.  If the student is progressing to an LEA PK program or K1 in the coming academic year, PowerSchool staff will begin to “enroll” those students prior to the end of the current academic year; consult with your local PowerSchool staff to determine the best time to “withdraw” the student from the Homeless School.

Failure to withdraw preschool or out-of-school siblings will prevent any future LEA from being able to “enroll” them into their homeless school, if identified in the new LEA. If the student returns to the same LEA and is identified again in the new academic year, a new enrollment into the homeless school can be made.

Is there any type of bulk upload interface (import) with Power School from a csv (comma-separated value) file?

There is no bulk upload (import) option within the data collection process.

Can I export my data out of PowerSchool?

Yes. You will use the “Export All Data” function located on the Homeless Students page. You will need to have “School” set to “LEA Office.” This export process will export all data entered by that point in time.

Multiple Program Identification (Homeless, CECAS, & Migrant)
Is it possible to capture homeless data on a preschool or out of school sibling who is also identified as a migrant student? 

Yes.  In order to enter homeless data into a homeless student detail page an “enrollment” is needed either into a physical school or a program school.  If the McKinney-Vento student is also identified as “migrant,” the student should be enrolled into the “Migrant” program school.  This enrollment will produce a Homeless Student Detail page, which can be completed with data relevant to homeless data collection.

Because McKinney data entry staff will not likely have user access to the migrant school through which to enter the McKinney data, coordination with migrant data entry staff will be necessary and should be arranged at the LEA level.

Is it possible to capture homeless data on a preschool or out of school sibling who is also identified as an exceptional child and would need to be included in CECAS? 

Yes.  In order to enter data into a homeless student detail page an “enrollment” is needed either into a physical school or a program school.  If the McKinney-Vento student is also identified as an “exceptional child,” the student should be enrolled into the “CECAS” school.  This enrollment will produce a Homeless Student Detail page, which can be completed with data relevant to homeless data collection.

Because McKinney data entry staff will not likely have user access to the CECAS school through which to enter the McKinney data, coordination with CECAS data entry staff may be necessary due to confidentiality of both programs and should be arranged at the LEA level.

Nighttime Residency
Which nighttime residency option should be used for cases involving substandard housing?

Please include substandard housing cases within the “unsheltered” option.

Why is the shelter code within nighttime residency now labeled “STH” instead of “S?”

The shelter code changed from “S” to “STH” to reflect the removal of “awaiting foster care” from the McKinney-Vento Act.

Preloaded Students
I don’t see the student preload list this year. Is something wrong with my system?

No. The student preload list has been discontinued beginning with the 2015-2016 SY.

Preschool & Out-of-School Siblings
Does data need to be submitted on preschool and out-of-school siblings of identified students?  If so, how is that data captured?

Yes, if they are living in the same or another qualifying homeless situation; no if siblings are living in a non-qualifying situation.

Please note:  Do not include siblings in data collection who are enrolled in home schools or private schools.  Also, any qualifying siblings who are attending charter schools should be reported by the charter school in which they are enrolled.

Capturing data for these students involves enrollment into the Homeless School.  When enrolling, you must ensure that you are not creating a duplicate student record.  A few tips regarding “searching for” and “enrolling” can be found in the training video, but please consult with your PowerSchool Coordinator for complete PowerSchool enrollment instructions.  Once the student is enrolled, you are then able to capture the homeless data in their online record.

Why do we need to submit data on the preschool and school-aged, out-of-school siblings of identified students?

The U.S. Department of Education has requested this information to enable them to notify Congress of needs in communities across the country, which may ultimately result in budget adjustments and increased funding to schools, as well as affect policy changes.  Information submitted to the U.S. Department of Education is completely de-identified.  Individual names will not be provided, only total counts will be shared.

Which students are included as “preschool” siblings?

Preschool siblings include children from birth to 4 years old, who are siblings of identified MV students in your LEA, AND who are also living in a qualifying MV situation.

Please refer to the Enrolling a Preschool or Out-of-School Student document for assistance in determining their “grade level” when enrolling them into the Homeless School.

Which students are included as “out-of-school” siblings?

Out-of-school siblings are children over the age of 4 who are not graduated or enrolled in any school (up to age 21), who are siblings of identified MV students in your LEA, AND who are also living in a qualifying MV situation.

Please refer to the Enrolling a Preschool or Out-of-School Student document for assistance in determining their “grade level” when enrolling them into the Homeless School.

Who can enroll preschool or out-of-school students if there are homeless students in a family at multiple schools?

Each homeless liaison is ultimately responsible to ensure that all homeless student data is entered into PowerSchool; however, the liaisons should work with LEA administration to develop a protocol for handling these specific situations in their LEA.

Can I access a homeless student detail page for a preschool student who is enrolled in a preschool which has a school code <300?

No.  Enrollment using any school code that is not found within EDDIE (i.e. codes <300) will result in an error message when attempting to access the homeless page for any identified student, which indicates the school chosen is “not a valid Homeless School.”

PLEASE NOTE:  Enrollment using school codes not found within EDDIE will not be captured in federal data collection, causing your data submission total to be inaccurate, which may result in lower funding.

How do I enter a preschool-age sibling who is not attending an LEA-run preschool program?

Preschool-aged siblings who are not attending an LEA-administered preschool should be enrolled into the Homeless School (school code 297).

How do I enter a preschool-age sibling who is attending an LEA-run preschool program?

Preschool-aged siblings who are attending an LEA-administered preschool should be enrolled in the elementary school which houses that child’s preschool program. You should not be using any other school codes for enrollment of preschool students participating in a preschool program within your LEA.

Submission Process
When do I submit my homeless data?

The annual NCHEP deadline for McKinney-Vento data submissions is June 15th; however, submissions should not occur until after the last school day in your LEA has ended. 

If your LEA plans to close out PowerSchool prior to June 15th, you would need to submit before the closeout, but not before the end of your last school day in any given academic year. Once PowerSchool is closed for the current academic year, no re-entry for updating data will be possible.

Why is the “Approve” button not active?

During the school year, and prior to the time when most submissions will be made, DPI will deactivate the “Approve” button to prevent early submissions.

DPI will note within the homeless module the date on which submissions can begin, if the LEA’s last school day has occurred.

What do I do if my LEA’s last school day falls after June 15th?

If your LEA’s last school day falls after June 15th, please advise your NCHEP Program Specialist as soon as possible so that appropriate steps can be taken pertaining to your data submission.

How would my LEA submit “0” students?

Please refer to the “Quick Guide – Submitting “0” Students” for process overview.

How would my LEA submit a student count?

Please refer to the “Quick Guide – Submitting Student Counts” for process overview.

I heard about an attestation section being displayed on the homeless school summary page, but I do not see one for my LEA. Why? Can I move forward with submission?

Do not worry if your homeless school summary page doesn’t display an attestation section. Not all LEAs will have this section displayed. Just ensure that your “Approve” button is active and the submission process can continue if all cross checks have been made.

Only LEAs that have at least a 10% increase or decrease in student count compared to the prior school year will see the attestation section. PowerSchool calculates the percent change between the two school years, and if the increase/decrease meets the 10% threshold, the attestation section will be displayed. If the attestation section is displayed, relevant fields must be completed before the “Approve” button is activated.

Troubleshooting/Error Messages
Why do some student records indicate an enrollment date of “0/0/0”?

Student records which indicate an enrollment date of “0/0/0” result when the district’s “term” is not set to the earliest school start date in the district. You will likely not be able to save any information to that student’s record.

What does “Collection is not open yet” mean when I click on the “Homeless Students” tab?

The message “Collection is not open yet” means that the data collection pages are not open yet. This is the message which will appear during any period of time in which DPI has the homeless pages “closed” for use.

Why are student entries not showing on the Homeless Student page?

There may be a couple of reasons your students are not showing up:

  1. If you have only entered students into “Special Programs,” they will not appear in the homeless module.
  2. If the “Term” is not set to the current academic year, student entries will not appear.
User Access
When I click the Select School button, “Homeless” is not an option. Only the physical schools in my LEA are displayed. Why?

Users can only view schools for which they have been given viewing rights. You may need to ask your PowerSchool Coordinator to add the “Homeless” school to the list of schools you have access to view.

Another possibility is that the Homeless School has not been set up for the current academic year. If that is the case, your PowerSchool Coordinator will need to set up the Homeless School before it can be seen or used. See Tips for Enrolling in Homeless School document.

How long will data collection be open each year?

Once DPI “opens” the homeless module (pages) at the beginning of each academic year, the pages will remain open until the June 15th deadline for submissions of all data.

Once a LEA submits their data, the module will remain closed until DPI reopens the module in the next academic school year.

When I try to add a student data on a student who is already enrolled, my entries are not saved. Why?

Your access rights need adjustment. Please see your PowerSchool Coordinator to have “edit” and “add” rights assigned to you.

I do not see “Homeless” on my left side bar, and I am working within “LEA Office.” Why?

Access rights have not been set up to allow viewing of the “Homeless School.” Please see your PowerSchool Coordinator to have your user rights set to include access to the “Homeless School.”

Withdrawn Students
If a student moved to another LEA and is withdrawn (exited/transferred) from PowerSchool, do we need to withdraw (exit/transfer) them also in the homeless section or will they just disappear from our list?

No. Students who have withdrawn from your LEA during the current academic year, but who were identified as McKinney-Vento and served by your LEA at any point during the current academic year still need to be reported by your LEA.

If you need to capture data for a student “after” he/she has withdrawn from your LEA, you are still able to do so by searching for their record and bringing it back into your LEA “for data collection purposes only.”

See Tips for Working with Withdrawn Students (PDF).