• A Convening of Collaborative Partners for Serving Homeless Children, Youth & Families in North CarolinaHas Been Postponed

    A Convening of Collaborative Partners for Serving Homeless Children, Youth & Families in North Carolina
    Has Been Postponed

  • From Full Hearts to Full Trucks

    From Full Hearts to Full Trucks

  • Homeless Liaisons Navigate Challenges in North Carolina

    Homeless Liaisons Navigate Challenges in North Carolina

  • Caring Schools Make the Difference

    Caring Schools Make the Difference

From Full Hearts to Full Trucks

The North Carolina Homeless Education Program (NCHEP) Team Works to Bring School Supplies and Resources to Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness Across North Carolina.

Homeless Liaisons Navigate Challenges in North Carolina

North Carolina has a well-trained cadre of homeless liaisons serving students and their families.

Caring Schools Make the Difference

Family and youth homelessness comes in many forms. Schools are the constant island of security.

Local Liaisons

Local liaisons play a critical role in the implementation of the McKinney-Vento Education of Homeless Children and Youth Assistance Act. Resources found in this section are intended to provide local liaisons with the tools and resources they need to implement the law in their efforts to assist children and youth, and their families in their academic success.

Law & Guidance

The McKinney-Vento Education of Homeless Children and Youth Assistance Act is the primary piece of legislation dealing with the education of children and youth experiencing homelessness. The Act is also known as Title X, Part C of the Every Student Succeeds Act.

Student’s Rights

Parents are often referred to as a child’s “first teacher” and play a critical role in encouraging their children to invest in their education. Explore resources that will help parents and guardians to support their children’s’ education during periods of housing instability.

NCHEP is dedicated to ensuring that all children and youth experiencing homelessness have access to the public education to which they are entitled under the federal McKinney-Vento Education of Homeless Children and Youth Assistance Act. NCHEP works towards this goal by ensuring that North Carolina’s state policies are in compliance with federal law, by providing technical assistance to North Carolina’s local homeless education liaisons, and by providing informational and awareness materials to educators and other interested community members throughout North Carolina.