NCHE: Parent Resources
This web page from the National Center for Homeless Education provides specific resources for parents experiencing homelessness. Resources include Parent Brochures, Parent Pack Pocket Folders to store children’s important school records, and information to assist parents with special needs. Spanish resources are also provided.
NCHE: Educational Rights of Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness
School Help for Homeless Children with Disabilities: Information for Parents – This NCHE brief provides information for parents about getting school help for children who may have special needs.
Exceptional Children’s Assistance Center – The regional Parent Technical Assistance Center for North Carolina.
NC 2-1-1 is a referral helpline with local information.
Springwire provides free voice mail and information services for people experiencing homelessness.
The North Carolina Association of Feeding America Food Banks is a partnership of food banks and food recovery organizations in North Carolina who also belong to Feeding America, the nations largest hunger relief charity.
The Salvation Army is an international charitable organization.
The U.S. Department of Education: Parents provides information for parents and guardians.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) administers federal aid to local housing agencies that manage housing for low-income residents at rents they can afford.
The United Way is a non-profit organization that works in a partnership of charitable organizations to group efforts for fund raising and support.