Over 1.3 million children and youth attending public schools in the U.S. experienced homelessness. Higher education is their best hope for a better life. With this comes an increasing need for seamless communication among Homeless Liaisons, School Counselors, and University SPOCs to best ensure that K12 McKinney-Vento students interested in pursuing higher education have the information and supports available to them for a smooth transition.
NC Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Verification Form – Independent Student Status of Unaccompanied Homeless Youth – All unaccompanied homeless youth should have this NCHEP form completed upon identification by the designated homeless liaisons. Questions about the use of this form should be directed to your Program Specialist.
Higher Education Poster – created by NCHE in collaboration with NASFAA, this poster provides information for unaccompanied youth on how to contact the relevant authorities if they believe they may qualify for independent student status on the FAFSA due to lacking a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. The poster is available for download in English and Spanish.
Other Resources
The Guide to College for Students Experiencing Homelessness offer in-depth information for youth on housing assistance, resources for meeting nutritional needs, health assistance programs, accessing community supports, and academic support.