From Full Hearts to Full Trucks
The North Carolina Homeless Education Program (NCHEP) Team Works to Bring School Supplies and Resources to Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness Across North Carolina.
After months of preparation and planning, the staff and leadership team for the North Carolina Homeless Education Program (NCHEP) held a massive distribution effort on December 12, 2024, to get much-needed school supplies and resources to local homeless liaisons across the state. Dozens of trucks and vans from 70 North Carolina counties arrived throughout the morning for a special purpose—to fill their vehicles with the supplies—all for children and youth experiencing homelessness. NCHEP team members were joined by volunteers who helped load 78 pallets of supplies and resources into the waiting vehicles.
Check out the photo album of the NCHEP leadership team and local homeless liaisons in action to get much needed supplies and materials to students experiencing homelessness.